
"Now:  You get this.  Over paprika: 

            Life.  Value.  Safekept.


"Then, when you've got the tail of their attention with that, boom, quickly, in a thatched flame:

            by PermaCor

"Finishing her up there with the glow...  And primarily the weave, like you really emphasized in that last communique, Mr. Andrews.  I think it's pretty much just the weave there, with really only enough glow to get the edges to...  You know, show.  So..."

             --Okay, I think.  Tentatively...  Okay.

"Great.  Then we will...  Await further---

             --I'm just gonna cut you off there and say, tentatively, I think I'm okay with this.  I think I speak for the room as well, gentlemen?  If I am not mistaken?  Very well.  Take your sketches to Martha, in the green room, and tell her to give them to RORY.  She'll know how to handle it from there.

"That's--thank you Mr. Andrews.  Thank you everyone.  I'm...  I don't know what to say.  You caught me off guard there. "

             --Very well.  You can gather these sketches and run them over to Rory.  Or, no, Martha.  Tell her to give them to Rory.  She will know what to do.  Good work, Le Monde.

"Thank you..."

             --Yes.  Let's everybody take a seven-and-a-half-minute break. 

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